Frequently Asked Questions


 How much do you charge for illustrations/cover images/logos/brochures/web sites?
My rates vary depending on the scope and complexity of the project. Please fill out the contact form or send me an email with a brief project description and I will get back to you with a price estimate.
 How long does it take to make an illustration?
It depends on my availability, and the type and complexity of the project. A typical journal cover illustration takes 12-14 days to complete. Covers for high impact journals may take longer. Scientific figures and TOC illustrations typically take less time.
If you have a strict deadline, please make sure to let me know in advance, so we can plan accordingly to ensure timely completion.
 How can I pay?
Payments can be done by wire transfers. If you require a different payment option, please mention it to me in advance.
 How can I start working with you on an illustration project? What is the process?
To start working with me on a project, please send me an email or use the contact form to tell me more about your project requirements. From there, we can schedule a consultation to discuss your needs in more detail by email or video-call. We'll determine how the illustrations or animations will be utilized, what reference materials are available, the deadline and budget, and the type of licensing needed.

After defining the scope of the project, we'll create an estimate that aligns with your budget and timeline, and select a style suitable for the purpose of the illustration. I will then send preliminary sketches or renderings to you for review and feedback to ensure that the ideas are clear and agreed upon.

We will refine the artwork through a process of one or more revisions (within the budget constraints), until you are satisfied with the outcome. Once complete, I will provide the final high-resolution artwork.

You will then receive an invoice, and licensing rights will be provided upon receipt of payment in full.
 Can I invite multiple co-authors to the consultation and include them in the mailing list to provide feedback?
I encourage clients to discuss the concept and all details related to the illustration with all collaborators. It's crucial to capture the essence of your collective work and achieve its best possible representation.
However, I find it most efficient when customers speak in one voice. Therefore, I prefer communication with a single contact person. I suggest gathering feedback from all collaborators, and once internally agreed upon, sending it to me in a single comprehensive message. This ensures a smoother workflow.
 I have unpublished confidential research that I want you to illustrate, can I trust you?
Yes, I understand the sensitivity of unpublished or yet to be patented research, and never share data or information I receive from my clients. I can sign a confidentiality agreement upon request.
 I have a presentation or seminar to prepare, can you help?
I can work with you on storytelling to improve the explanation of your research and help tailor it to the audience it is intended for. We can work on data visualization throughout the presentation, the graphic design of your presentation, as well as the clarity of its content and a cohesive story.
 Can you create illustrations in a specific style that is different from anything shown in your portfolio?
Certainly. Please send me image references to help me understand the particular style you are seeking.
My portfolio is only a partial sample of my work and I may have already created images in a similar style.

Copyright and Licensing

 How do you handle copyright and licensing for your illustrations?
I take copyright and licensing very seriously and work closely with clients to ensure that they have the necessary rights to use and reproduce the illustrations I create. I offer a range of licensing options, and can provide guidance on copyright laws and best practices.
However, I am not an attorney, and do not provide legal advice.
 Can you summarize your licensing policy?
In line with common design industry standards, the creator of the artwork (which is me) retains the copyright, while you receive a license for its use. This license is designed to be comprehensive and should be sufficient for most of your needs. For instance, if you requested a journal cover design and later want to use the same illustration on your website, press releases, conference posters and presentations, there would be no issue as it is all covered under the license.

To prevent any potential issues, please note that it is not permitted to sublicense my artwork to another party (for example, selling it on online stock image websites for profit).

While it is not required, I would appreciate being credited as the creator of the artwork when appropriate, such as in the caption of a journal cover. Additionally, I retain the right to use the artwork for self-promotion, primarily on my portfolio website.

In situations where the intended purpose of the illustration requires a transfer of copyright (e.g. the journal asks for the copyright in order to publish the illustration on their cover), please contact me and we will find a solution. While such situations are rare and can typically be resolved through a specific license, if the journal insists on full copyright transfer, it may be available upon request at no extra charge.

If you require full copyright ownership of the artwork, please inform me during the initial discussion of the project, so we can discuss an additional fee for relinquishing all rights to my creation.
  Can I use the image you created for me also for other purposes (my proposals/presentations/website)?
Yes! It is your image and you can generally use it with no limitation on the type of media (digital, print, etc.), time (no expiry date of the license), geographic location, or commercial/non-commercial usage, unless otherwise specified.

Please note that my artwork cannot be sublicensed to another party (for example, selling it on online stock image websites).
  I would like to use an illustration I found in your portfolio, is it possible?
Most probably, not.
Most of the works in my portfolio were created specifically for clients.
To avoid potential issues with using paid and licensed illustrations without permission, I cannot offer those specific works from my portfolio. However, I would be happy to produce a modified version based on an existing illustration to meet your requirements.


  Do you offer workshops or courses on scientific illustration?
I offer both online and in-person workshops that cover a range of topics from Adobe Illustrator basics to advanced scientific illustration techniques and data visualization.
If your graduate school or organization is interested in hosting a scientific illustration workshop for its students and employees, please contact me to discuss the details.

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